Lucia Worthington
For State Senator
49th Legislative District
Building Bridges for Our Future
STOP Crime
STOP Government Waste
STOP Unneeded Business Rules
STOP Tolls
BUILD Bridges
RESTORE Safety Where We Live
My Promise
- Employ wise decision-making with respect for your hard-earned tax dollars
- Fix roads and bridges, and modernize our transportation system strategically
- Propose a separate truck route to by-pass Vancouver and Portland city traffic
- Support businesses and economic development
- Support education and workforce development
- Address the causes of homelessness
- Enforce our laws
- Penalize drug dealers
- Promote a moratorium on our sanctuary state status until we solve our own peoples’ issues
- Reduce government waste
Get Involved

A Passion for Liberty
I love the United States and will always be grateful for the U.S. military that liberated my birth country – Germany. I give thanks every day for the privilege of living in Washington State and in our beautiful Vancouver.
As a legal immigrant in 1964, I proudly became a citizen of this country and have worked to pay back to the Americans ever since.
I live in the U.S. by choice after living, working, and traveling to many countries. My citizenship in the United States of America is the most valuable thing I have. I would like to keep it that way; I’m running to fight for the value of all of our citizenship.
I live in Washington State by choice, always choosing to return to Washington after teaching abroad for the U.S. military. I have lived in this state for 29 plus years after living in Texas, California and Virginia.
I chose Vancouver as my final residence after living in six other cities in this state. Vancouver is the best!
My purpose in running for office is to build bridges between many points view and move forward to addressing our challenges together.
As a person with a strong work ethic and of modest means, my purpose is to help make this a better place for all of us. As an educator – professor of business and history – I have taught both in Olympia, on over 25 military establishments world-wide, at Clark College, and WSU here in Vancouver.
My hands-on business experiences includes five years in international banking, ten years of operating my successful grocery business and two years of starting a lavender farm.
I look forward to serving you as your state senator.
Lucia Worthington’s Business Acumen
Business lays the foundations for our lifestyle and economy. It takes more than well-meaning amateurs to get it right. As a seasoned businesswoman with five years in international banking and ten years in developing a successful business, I know how to get it right. Having worked in agriculture and construction from the age of four, I still enjoy the positive outcomes of my labor and that of others. The business community makes products, provides services, and creates jobs that benefit all of us.
Unfortunately, many who sell themselves as business experts are ignorant about business. Most working in government are at best amateurs, whether they are bureaucrats or politicians who take their cues from the bureaucracy.

From a group photo with my mentor, Peter Drucker. Taken in the fall of 2002. Drucker inspired me with his emphasis on continual improvement and innovation. Innovation has been the driving force in my teaching and consulting. It is the fundamental, fresh approach that creates success.
Although we pride ourselves on having a free enterprise system–some call it capitalism–rules and regulations have reduced our business community to tax collectors for all levels of government, whether local, county, state or federal.
This has to stop; we must correct it!
Business people understand the turbulence of the business environment. Like the weather, it can range from sunny to rainy days mixed with extreme heat or bitter cold. The elements of business come in many forms: economic downturns, new legal mandates, consumer preference changes, new competition, and natural disasters that challenge supply lines. A businessperson must be flexible and ready to innovate and change constantly.
My love for business inspired me to become a lifelong learner, staying up-to-date with the times through decades of progression and growth. Thanks to my study in the social sciences and humanities, I have a strong ability to read people with a deep sense of understanding for the reasons why they take the actions they do. My work at the Drucker Institute in Claremont, California was vital to my understanding business. I had the great honor to study personally with Peter Drucker as his student. He was–and still is–the foremost change management expert in the world. Executives around the globe sought his business expertise. In addition, my studies in political economy at Oxford University gave me the knowledge and power to become a professor of business for 32 years. I have had the privilege of influencing the positive decision-making process of well over 20,000 students around the world.
My ten plus years as a professor at Clark College and WSU was a great pleasure. At Clark College, I was the founder of the Entrepreneurship Club. We presented an international proposal in Hawaii in our very first year.
As a management consultant, my clients include the leadership of Daimler Benz, Personal Munich, and the founder of Cadet Manufacturing here in Vancouver.
I am ready to make a positive and innovative difference in the Washington State Senate!